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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-19994
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: L. D. P. G. D. Farias, D. Strabelli, R. Freitas Teixeira, D. C. Machado, B. S. P. Oliveira, R. D. M. Sartim; São Paulo/BR
Lucas De Pádua Gomes De Farias: Nothing to disclose
Daniel Strabelli: Nothing to disclose
Renato Freitas Teixeira: Nothing to disclose
Dequitier Carvalho Machado: Nothing to disclose
Bernardo Salgado Pinto Oliveira: Nothing to disclose
Ricardo De Magalhães Sartim: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Cardiac, CT, MR, Education, Cancer, Congenital, Inflammation
Learning objectives

The purpose of this exhibition is:

  1. Review common and uncommon cases related to the pericardial sinuses and recesses;
  2. Correlate important findings with the pericardium anatomy;
  3. Discuss imaging findings according to the pericardium anatomy to enhance radiologists’ skills;
  4. Highlight their characteristics for radiologists with these conditions, avoiding unfavorable patient outcome;
  5. Despite its characteristic density, describe the importance of distinguishing them from pathologic process, as mediastinal cysts, masses and lymphadenopathies;
  6. Correlate with the impact on the onco-image;