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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-19994
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: L. D. P. G. D. Farias, D. Strabelli, R. Freitas Teixeira, D. C. Machado, B. S. P. Oliveira, R. D. M. Sartim; São Paulo/BR
Lucas De Pádua Gomes De Farias: Nothing to disclose
Daniel Strabelli: Nothing to disclose
Renato Freitas Teixeira: Nothing to disclose
Dequitier Carvalho Machado: Nothing to disclose
Bernardo Salgado Pinto Oliveira: Nothing to disclose
Ricardo De Magalhães Sartim: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Cardiac, CT, MR, Education, Cancer, Congenital, Inflammation

The pericardium, consisting of a fibroserous sac that encloses the heart, is routinely imaged on radiologists’ daily practice. Despite its imaging characteristics delineating the cardiovascular anatomy, pericardial sinus and recesses must be promptly distinguished from pathologic process, as mediastinal lymphadenopathy, thrombus, mediastinal cystic masses and other lesions, avoiding unfavorable patient outcomes.