Poster Number:
Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
L. D. P. G. D. Farias, D. Strabelli, R. Freitas Teixeira, D. C. Machado, B. S. P. Oliveira, R. D. M. Sartim; São Paulo/BR
Lucas De Pádua Gomes De Farias:
Nothing to disclose
Daniel Strabelli:
Nothing to disclose
Renato Freitas Teixeira:
Nothing to disclose
Dequitier Carvalho Machado:
Nothing to disclose
Bernardo Salgado Pinto Oliveira:
Nothing to disclose
Ricardo De Magalhães Sartim:
Nothing to disclose
Cardiac, CT, MR, Education, Cancer, Congenital, Inflammation
We reviewed the applied anatomy of pericardium with the evaluation of cases of recesses and sinus, and the main and the main pathologies that affect it. Radiologists' familiarity with pericardium, its recesses and sinuses, is important to avoid misdiagnosis.
In the radiological reports, mainly of cancer patients, it is essential to recognize the pericardial recesses and sinus to avoid misunderstandings with lymph nodes and masses that could lead to diagnostic and therapeutic errors and mistakes.