Poster Number:
Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Z. H. Chen Zhou, A. Hilario Barrio, E. Salvador, A. Cardenas, J. Romero Coronado, C. Lechuga Vázquez, A. Martínez De Aragón Calvo, A. Ramos Gonzalez; Madrid/ES
Zhao Hui Chen Zhou:
Nothing to disclose
Amaya Hilario Barrio:
Nothing to disclose
Elena Salvador:
Nothing to disclose
Agustin Cardenas:
Nothing to disclose
Juan Romero Coronado:
Nothing to disclose
Carmen Lechuga Vázquez:
Nothing to disclose
Ana Martínez De Aragón Calvo:
Nothing to disclose
Ana Ramos Gonzalez:
Nothing to disclose
Neuroradiology brain, Oncology, MR, Education, Cancer, Metastases, Neoplasia
Cranial MRI is the standard imaging method for detecting brain metastases and is increasingly utilized due to the availability of guidelines and recommendations for screening and follow-up.
Metastases visible on cranial MRI are not confined to the brain's parenchyma; up to 20% of them can be found in non-parenchymal areas, which may include both intracranial and extracranial structures (Table 1). Therefore, it is essential to have a checklist to ensure that all structures are thoroughly examined and nothing is overlooked.