Poster Number:
Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
M. Régil Guerrero1, A. Goikoetxea Zubeldia2, M. Irizar Dorronsoro1, M. Q. Caballero Lladó3, A. Aramburu4, I. E. Roteta5, O. Iñarra6, P. G. Aguinagalde Vives1, M. I. Blanco1; 1Donostia/San Sebastián/ES, 2Lazkao/ES, 3Aretxabaleta/ES, 4Anoeta/ES, 5Oiartzun/ES, 6Hondarribia/ES
Mónica Régil Guerrero:
Nothing to disclose
Ainhoa Goikoetxea Zubeldia:
Nothing to disclose
Mikel Irizar Dorronsoro:
Nothing to disclose
Maria Queralt Caballero Lladó:
Nothing to disclose
Ainara Aramburu:
Nothing to disclose
Irati Elizasu Roteta:
Nothing to disclose
Oihane Iñarra:
Nothing to disclose
Paula Gabriela Aguinagalde Vives:
Nothing to disclose
Marina Isabel Blanco:
Nothing to disclose
Emergency, Head and neck, Trauma, CT, Complications, Diagnostic procedure, Structured reporting, Acute, Trauma
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