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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-15268
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: L. Leo, R. Montefrancesco, L. A. Russo, R. Prudenzano, A. Scardapane; Lecce/IT
Luca Leo: Nothing to disclose
Roberta Montefrancesco: Nothing to disclose
Lucia Addolorata Russo: Nothing to disclose
Raffaele Prudenzano: Nothing to disclose
Arnaldo Scardapane: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Paediatric, Soft tissues / Skin, MR-Angiography, Embolisation, Arteriovenous malformations, Congenital, Haemodynamics / Flow dynamics
Learning objectives To gain knowledge and become familiar with the ISSVA (International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies) categorization of vascular malformations.To learn how to diagnose, classify and correctly report them using MRI.
Read more Background Magnetic Resonance is the imaging method with the highest diagnostic accuracy for the study of vascular malformations as it allows classification, morphologycal analysis, evaluation of spatial extension and their relationship with the surrounding anatomical structures.Despite that, MR exams to study soft-tissue vascular malformations in children are often a problem for the general radiologist who is not familiar with such a spectrum of pathologies-pathologies usually suspected by a pediatric surgeon after performing a first (often doubtful) ultrasound examination.
Read more Findings and procedure details Vascular anomalies are a heterogeneous group of pathologies of the circulatory system characterized by morpho-structural and/or functional alterations of vari­ous nature, severity and extent that can affect any type of blood and/or lymphatic vessel, of any caliber and anatom­ical district.The new ISSVA (International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies) classification, approved at the 20th Workshop in Melbourne-April 2014 and revised in May 2018, is the most standardized and accepted classification; it distinguishes two different categories: vascular tumors and vascular malformations.Vascular malformations are...
Read more Conclusion It is crucial that radiologists are able to perform and report the MRI exam as accurately as possible, as they are called to answer the pediatric surgeon’s questions to choose the best therapy and manage the follow up of the patient.The presented cases demonstrate how, through an appropriate examination technique and multidisciplinary collaboration, the MRI exam can be less scary than expected.
Read more References ISSVA Classification of Vascular Anomalies ©2018 International Society for the Study of VascularAnomalies Available at "" . Stillo F, Mattassi R, Diociaiuti A, Neri I, Baraldini V, Dalmonte P, Amato B, Ametrano O, Amico G, Bianchini G, Campisi C, Cattaneo E, Causin F, Cavalli R, Colletti G, Corbeddu M, Coppo P, DE Fiores A, DI Giuseppe P, El Hachem M, Esposito F, Fulcheri E, Gandolfo C, Grussu F, Guglielmo A, Leuzzi M, Manunza F, Moneghini L, Monzani N, Nicodemi E, Occella...
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