ECR25 / C-20813
Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) for monitoring patients with primary brain tumors M. Parillo, F. Vaccarino, V. Cirimele, G. D'Amone, C. C. Quattrocchi; Rovereto/IT -
ECR25 / C-10496
“Reading Abnormal Pediatric Chest X-ray” Made Easy S. Samaan, A. F. Huneity; Doha/QA -
ECR25 / C-11884
A pictorial review of non-odontogenic jaw lesions J. Tejedor Toquero, M. J. Risco Fernández, J. López Martín, E. Ponte, V. Esteban Izquierdo, A. D. Onuta, M. S. Paez Alvarez; Madrid/ES -
ECR25 / C-12027
Getting to the Bottom of the Pelvic Floor: A Primer of MR Defecography Technique, Reporting and Implications for Surgical Management N. Venugopal, B. Mansoori, P. Bhargava; Seattle, WA/US -
ECR25 / C-11800
Facial trauma: Brief guide on where to look at in CT scan M. Régil Guerrero1, A. Goikoetxea Zubeldia2, M. Irizar Dorronsoro1, M. Q. Caballero Lladó3, A. Aramburu4, I. E. Roteta5, O. Iñarra6, P. G. Aguinagalde Vives1, M. I. Blanco1; 1Donostia/San Sebastián/ES, 2Lazkao/ES, 3Aretxabaleta/ES, 4Anoeta/ES, 5Oiartzun/ES, 6Hondarribia/ES -
ECR25 / C-10194
Evaluation of sustainable diagnostic approaches in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) A. Masperi, C. M. Girlando; Abbiategrasso/IT -
ECR25 / C-15268
Soft-tissue vascular malformations in children: less difficult than you think. Categorization and MR Imaging L. Leo, R. Montefrancesco, L. A. Russo, R. Prudenzano, A. Scardapane; Lecce/IT -
ECR25 / C-16231
Decoding the black-box of Perivascular Spaces: Updates and Insights into Physioanatomy and Neuroimaging of related Pathologic Disorders M. Kancharla, S. R. Kankara, D. Jayanna, S. Suresh, A. R. Menezes, M. Maria, S. Reddy K; Bangalore/IN -
ECR25 / C-21540
Untangling the intricate Brachial plexus: Exploring its twists, turns and plexopathies N. Manoharan, S. Kumar; Bengaluru/IN -
ECR25 / C-11295
Positivity rates and subsequent patient dispositions after utilisation of cervical spine imaging referral guidelines in Singapore Y. X. Tay1, S. J. Foley2, R. P. Killeen2, M. E. Ong1, R. Chen1, L. P. Chan1, E. J. Tan1, W. Hou1, J. Mcnulty2; 1Singapore/SG, 2Dublin/IE -
ECR25 / C-12569
In Plain Sight: Unveiling Overlooked Orbital Findings C. A. López López, D. Castanedo Vázquez, A. Guitián Pinilla, Á. Sánchez Mulas, P. Cifrian Casuso, E. Marín Díez, E. Julián Gómez, A. S. Gabín, S. Revuelta Gómez; Santander/ES -
ECR25 / C-12754
Beyond the brain: a comprehensive review of non-parenchymal metastases in cranial MRI: tips and pitfalls Z. H. Chen Zhou, A. Hilario Barrio, E. Salvador, A. Cardenas, J. Romero Coronado, C. Lechuga Vázquez, A. Martínez De Aragón Calvo, A. Ramos Gonzalez; Madrid/ES -
ECR25 / C-18367
A Comprehensive Guide to Radiology in Shoulder Arthroplasty: Essential Insights for Evaluating Shoulder Replacements F. J. Azpeitia Arman, R. M. Lorente Ramos, P. Azpeitia Hernandez, L. Meilan Iribar, J. Azpeitia Hernandez, T. Lago, C. Oliva Fonte, J. M. Martinez Gomiz, M. Leon Garcia; Madrid/ES -
ECR25 / C-14097
MRI of the Brachial Plexus, Protocol and Pathology: What Radiologists Need to know M. Sánchez Martínez, L. Serrano Velasco, V. Vázquez Sáez, J. J. Molina Najas, I. Sánchez Serna, L. Contreras Espejo, P. Ruiz Bernal, P. Alcaraz Pérez, A. G. Jiménez; Murcia/ES -
ECR25 / C-17418
Radiological spectrum of pediatric retro-rectal/ presacral masses - Imaging based algorithmic approach I. Goel, P. Kaushik; Delhi/IN -
ECR25 / C-11725
Many Faces of Uterine Leiomyomas: Typical and Atypical Imaging Features, Diagnostic Pitfalls, and Problem-Solving MRI Techniques M. Takeuchi, K. Matsuzaki, M. Harada; Tokushima/JP -
ECR25 / C-11671
The role of diagnostic imaging in double outflow right ventricle C. Marin Rodriguez, T. Alvarez Martin, A. Lancharro, L. Vara De Andrés, A. Aguado Del Hoyo, M. Sánchez Pérez, Y. Ruiz Martin; Madrid/ES -
ECR25 / C-14849
Cochlear implant preoperative imaging: crucial findings for surgical planning we might unintentionally overlook on a seemingly normal temporal bone A. Alec1, N-C. Balica2, A-M. Ungureanu2; 1Timișoara/RO, 2Timisoara/RO -
ECR25 / C-14597
Main findings and complications after spine surgery: a pictorial review for general radiologists A. S. Gabín, S. Revuelta Gómez, A. Somoano, R. Sutil, A. Berasategui Criado, C. Cantolla Nates, C. A. López López, Á. Sánchez Mulas, M. Drake Perez; Santander/ES -
ECR25 / C-16309
Bone Zoom: A radiological expedition through the ear with CBCT P. Cifrian Casuso, Á. Sánchez Mulas, C. A. López López, A. Guitián Pinilla, D. Castanedo Vázquez, S. Cayón Somacarrera, A. Somoano, S. M. Bretos Azcona, A. Berasategui Criado; Santander/ES -
ECR25 / C-12516
Pediatric Lung MRI: A Radiation-Free Alternative for Thoracic Imaging E. R. Avci, F. Uncuoğlu, F. C. C. Sarioğlu, H. Güleryüz; Izmir/TR -
ECR25 / C-11001
Expanding Radiology’s Universe: Arterial Spin Labelling in the Diagnosis of CNS Infections S. K. Kondapavuluri1, D. P. Patkar2; 1Tadepalli/IN, 2Mumbai/IN -
ECR25 / C-19994
Total eclipse of the heart: turning around the pericardial recesses L. D. P. G. D. Farias, D. Strabelli, R. Freitas Teixeira, D. C. Machado, B. S. P. Oliveira, R. D. M. Sartim; São Paulo/BR -
ECR25 / C-11371
Role of whole-body diffusion-weighted MR imaging and PET/CT for treatment response assessment in multiple myeloma P. Del Nido Recio, A. Paternain Nuin, M. R. López De La Torre Carretero, M. B. Barrio Piqueras, M. Jiménez Vázquez, C. Mbongo, C. Urtasun Iriarte, D. A. Zambrano, J. D. Aquerreta; Pamplona/ES -
ECR25 / C-22474
Advanced Dynamic Ultrasound Techniques for Precise Diagnosis of Peroneal Tendon Instability G. Serrano, J. Torres, O. Campos, J. Cristi, R. Marin, M. Arias; Santiago/CL