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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-14849
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: A. Alec1, N-C. Balica2, A-M. Ungureanu2; 1Timișoara/RO, 2Timisoara/RO
Anamaria Alec: Nothing to disclose
Nicolae-Constantin Balica: Nothing to disclose
Ana-Maria Ungureanu: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Ear / Nose / Throat, CT-High Resolution, Education, Observer performance, Structured reporting, Education and training
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  6. Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; Singh, A.; Thakur, R.; Kumar, R.; Verma, H.; Kumar Irugu, D.V.; Grading of the Position of the Mastoid Tegmen in Human Temporal Bones – A Surgeon’s Perspective. Int Adv Otol 2020, 16, 63–66, doi:10.5152/iao.2020.7748.
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  8. Park, E.; Amoodi, H.; Kuthubutheen, J.; Chen, J.M.; Nedzelski, J.M.; Lin, V.Y.W. Predictors of Round Window Accessibility for Adult Cochlear Implantation Based on Pre-Operative CT Scan: A Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 2015, 44, 20, doi:10.1186/s40463-015-0073-7.
  9. Manjila, S.; Bazil, T.; Kay, M.; Udayasankar, U.K.; Semaan, M. Jugular Bulb and Skull Base Pathologies: Proposal for a Novel Classification System for Jugular Bulb Positions and Microsurgical Implications. Neurosurgical Focus 2018, 45, E5, doi:10.3171/2018.5.FOCUS18106.