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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-14849
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: A. Alec1, N-C. Balica2, A-M. Ungureanu2; 1Timișoara/RO, 2Timisoara/RO
Anamaria Alec: Nothing to disclose
Nicolae-Constantin Balica: Nothing to disclose
Ana-Maria Ungureanu: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Ear / Nose / Throat, CT-High Resolution, Education, Observer performance, Structured reporting, Education and training

In the evaluation of cochlear implant candidates, the preoperative assessment must include not only the pathological alterations responsible for hearing loss or any congenital ear anomalies but also have to point out specific anatomical features of the temporal bone that may not typically require particular attention in other cases. This is essential to prevent serious intraoperative complications, assist surgeons in surgical planning, and possibly reevaluate the surgical approach technique.