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Congress: ECR24
Poster Number: C-11064
Type: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: J. G. Maluf, J. f. Maluf, T. R. Yamanari, H. Lee, T. Lima, D. Cardoso, V. D. Bichuette, R. V. Auad, M. V. Y. Sawamura; Sao Paulo/BR
MD Jose Guilherme Maluf: Nothing to disclose
Mr. José fernando Maluf: Nothing to disclose
Mrs. Tássia Regina Yamanari: Nothing to disclose
Ms. Hye Lee: Nothing to disclose
Thais Lima: Nothing to disclose
MD Daniel Cardoso: Nothing to disclose
MD Vitor Dornfeld Bichuette: Nothing to disclose
Mr. Ricardo Valarelli Auad: Nothing to disclose
Mr. Marcio Valente Yamada Sawamura: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Haematologic, Mediastinum, Respiratory system, CT, Complications, Infection
Learning objectives To provide a comprehensive overview about the chest involvement in dysregulated humoral immunity states, including a review about the main pathologies related, allowing to identify their thoracic manifestations and recognize the imaging findings.
Read more Background A case-based review that will illustrate different clinical scenarios regarding the chest involvement in states of dysregulated humoral immunity, including cases about the main diseases related, chest manifestations and imaging features.
Read more Findings and procedure details A)INTRODUCTION States of dysregulated humoral immunity are characterized by ineficiency of antibody activity or production. In this scenario, the human organism becomes more succeptible to diverse complications, specially infectious ones. However, non-infectious complications may also occur and can be extreamelly harmfull.  Various diseases can compromise humoral immunity and lead to those complications, affecting multiple systems and parts of the human body. The thoracic involvement is very common and related to big morbidity and mortality. [fig 1] B)GENERAL CONCEPTS The immune system is a network of...
Read more Conclusion Thoracic involvement is often found in states of dysregulated humoral immunity. Chronic changes and infections are an import cause of mortality in those patients. Imaging, especially CT, plays an important role in diagnosis, management, and evaluation of treatment’s response. Radiologists should be familiar with the imaging features and thoracic manifestations related to dysregulated humoral immunity.
Read more References 1. Bierry G et al. Thoracic manifestations of primary humoral immunodeficiency: A comprehensive review. Radiographics 2009; 29:1909-1920 2. Uzunhal Y et al. The lung in dysregulated states of humoral immunity. Respiration 2017; 94: 389-404 3. Cinetto F et al. Granulomatous lymphocitic interstitial lung disease (GLILD) in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): A multicenter retrospective study of patients from italian PID referral centers. Frontiers in Immunology 2021; 12: 627423 4. Bonilla FA, Barlan I, Chapel H, Costa-Carvalho BT, Cunningham-Rundles C, de la Morena MT, et...
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