Poster Number:
EPOS Radiographer (scientific)
C. Baker1, B. J. Nugent2, D. Grainger2, J. D. Hewis3, C. Malamateniou2; 1Brisbane/AU, 2London/UK, 3Port Macquarie/AU
Cassandra Baker:
Nothing to disclose
Barbara J. Nugent:
Nothing to disclose
David Grainger:
Nothing to disclose
Johnathan Daniel Hewis:
Nothing to disclose
Christina Malamateniou:
Nothing to disclose
MR physics, Radiographers, MR, Safety, Education and training
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- Styan T, Hoff M. The Dangers of Fabric in MRI. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 2022 July 30.
- Tokue H, Tokue A, Tsushima Y. Unexpected magnetic resonance imaging burn injuries from jogging pants. Radiol Case Rep 2019 Nov;14(11):1348-1351.
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- Ross JR, Matava MJ. Tattoo-induced skin “burn” during magnetic resonance imaging in a professional football player. Sports health 2011 Sep;3(5):431-434.
- Mittendorff L, Young A, Sim J. A narrative review of current and emerging MRI safety issues: What every MRI technologist (radiographer) needs to know. J Med Radiat Sci 2021 Sep 9;69(2):250-260.
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- Wang JF, Hindman NM. Prevention of thermal burns from magnetic resonance imaging in patients with tattoos. J Am Acad Dermatol 2019 May;80(5):e101-e102.
- Deveci C, Atilgan M, Demirçin S. The forensic aspect of thermal injuries during MRI: A case report with review of the literature . Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine 2021 Jan 15,;29(1):49-52.
- Ross JR, Matava MJ. Tattoo-induced skin “burn” during magnetic resonance imaging in a professional football player. Sports health 2011 Sep;3(5):431-434.