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Congress: ECR24
Poster Number: C-13513
Type: EPOS Radiographer (scientific)
DOI: 10.26044/ecr2024/C-13513
Authorblock: C. Baker1, B. J. Nugent2, D. Grainger2, J. D. Hewis3, C. Malamateniou2; 1Brisbane/AU, 2London/UK, 3Port Macquarie/AU
Cassandra Baker: Nothing to disclose
Barbara J. Nugent: Nothing to disclose
David Grainger: Nothing to disclose
Johnathan Daniel Hewis: Nothing to disclose
Christina Malamateniou: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: MR physics, Radiographers, MR, Safety, Education and training
Methods and materials

Six journal databases were searched for sources published January 2010 – May 2023, presenting information on MRI safety and thermal injuries. Of 26,801 articles returned, after careful screening and based on the eligibility criteria, only 79 articles and an additional 19 grey literature sources were included (n=98).