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Congress: ECR24
Poster Number: C-13513
Type: EPOS Radiographer (scientific)
DOI: 10.26044/ecr2024/C-13513
Authorblock: C. Baker1, B. J. Nugent2, D. Grainger2, J. D. Hewis3, C. Malamateniou2; 1Brisbane/AU, 2London/UK, 3Port Macquarie/AU
Cassandra Baker: Nothing to disclose
Barbara J. Nugent: Nothing to disclose
David Grainger: Nothing to disclose
Johnathan Daniel Hewis: Nothing to disclose
Christina Malamateniou: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: MR physics, Radiographers, MR, Safety, Education and training

With preventable skin burns and thermal injuries continuing to be experienced by patients undergoing an MRI scan, it's vital to share strategies to improve MRI safety practices which prevent such adverse events. The literature regarding MRI safety guidance to prevent patient skin burns is fragmented and potentially confusing. This poster seeks to summarise the risks of thermal injuries to patients who undergo an MRI examination and to provide practical ways to mitigate the risks. Assessing individual risks, rather than blanket policies, will help prevent skin thermal injuries occurring, improving patient care.