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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-11371
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: P. Del Nido Recio, A. Paternain Nuin, M. R. López De La Torre Carretero, M. B. Barrio Piqueras, M. Jiménez Vázquez, C. Mbongo, C. Urtasun Iriarte, D. A. Zambrano, J. D. Aquerreta; Pamplona/ES
Pablo Del Nido Recio: Nothing to disclose
Alberto Paternain Nuin: Nothing to disclose
Manuel Rafael López De La Torre Carretero: Nothing to disclose
Miguel Barrio Barrio Piqueras: Nothing to disclose
Marcos Jiménez Vázquez: Nothing to disclose
Carmen Mbongo: Nothing to disclose
Cesar Urtasun Iriarte: Nothing to disclose
Daniel Alfonso Zambrano: Nothing to disclose
Jesús Dámaso Aquerreta: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Haematologic, Musculoskeletal bone, Musculoskeletal soft tissue, MR-Diffusion/Perfusion, PET-CT, Diagnostic procedure, Haematologic diseases

WB DW-MRI and 18 F-FDG PET/TC are valuable tools for the diagnosis and follow-up of MM. 18 F-FDG PET/CT is considered the gold standard for assessing extramedullary disease, while WB-DWI offers greater sensitivity in detecting diffuse disease, especially in cases of non-nonsecretory myeloma (figure 1).

Fig 1: Comparison between both techniques in the assessment of MM

A standardized protocol has been proposed for WB DW-MRI (figure 2).

Fig 2: WB DW-MRI protocol

On MRI, signs of the disease include (figures 3 y 4 ): 

  • Focal or diffuse signal intensity (SI) abnormalities with a diameter > 5 mm.
  • Paramedullary or extramedullary soft-tissue lesions.
  • Pathological vertebral fractures.
  • Restricted Diffusion with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) values between 600–1000 µm2 /sec.

Fig 3: Signs of disease in MM depicted on imaging
Fig 4: WB DW-MRI: Example of an active lesion

On PET/TC with18 F-FDG, signs of the disease include (figure 5 ):

  • Hypodense, lytic, or punch-out osseous lesions with a diameter  > 5 mm.
  • Diffuse disease: homogeneous standardized uptake values (SUVmax) of the bone marrow greater than liver, or heterogeneous bone marrow uptake. 
  • Focal lesions: osseous hyperactive metabolic foci greater than physiological bone marrow uptake.
  • Paramedullary or Extramedullary soft-tissue lesions. 

Fig 5: 18F-FDG PET/CT: Example of an active lesion

Multiple myeloma (MM) disease patterns include (figures 6, 7, 8 y 9 ):

  • Diffuse pattern: generalized involvement of the bone marrow, which can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
  • Focal on diffuse / combined: independent, well-defined lesions or generalized involvement with some well-defined lesions.
  • Micronodular / Variegated / Salt and Pepper" pattern: extensive involvement with nodular lesions <5 mm.
  • Paramedullary pattern: bone marrow lesion.
  • Extramedullary pattern: soft tissue injury that is not in continuity with spinal disease. Bone lesion.

Fig 6: WB DW-MRI: Patterns of bone marrow infiltration
Fig 7: WB DW-MRI: Patterns of bone marrow infiltration
Fig 8: WB DW-MRI: Patterns of bone marrow infiltration
Fig 9: WB DW-MRI: Example of diffuse and focal disease