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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-20813
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: M. Parillo, F. Vaccarino, V. Cirimele, G. D'Amone, C. C. Quattrocchi; Rovereto/IT
Marco Parillo: Nothing to disclose
Federica Vaccarino: Nothing to disclose
Vincenzo Cirimele: Nothing to disclose
Giulia D'Amone: Nothing to disclose
Carlo Cosimo Quattrocchi: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: CNS, Management, Neuroradiology brain, MR, Education, Structured reporting, Cancer, Education and training, Neoplasia
  • Weinberg, B.D.; Gore, A.; Shu, H.-K.G.; Olson, J.J.; Duszak, R.; Voloschin, A.D.; Hoch, M.J. Management-Based Structured Reporting of Posttreatment Glioma Response with the Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System. J. Am. Coll. Radiol. JACR 201815, 767–771.
  • Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS). Available online:
  • Parillo, M.; Quattrocchi, C.C. Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) for the Surveillance of Adult-Type Diffuse Gliomas after Surgery. Surgeries 20245, 764-773.
  • Ebaid, N.Y.; Ahmed, R.N.; Assy, M.M.; Amin, M.I.; Alaa Eldin, A.M.; Alsowey, A.M.; Abdelhay, R.M. Diagnostic Validity and Reliability of BT-RADS in the Management of Recurrent High-Grade Glioma. J. Neuroradiol. 202451, 101190.
  • Trivedi, K.H.; Guha, A.; Thakur, M.; Mahajan, A.; Bhole, P.; Gupta, T. External Validation of the Brain Tumour Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) in the Multidisciplinary Managementof Post-Treatment Gliomas. Pol. J. Radiol. 202489, e148–e155.
  • Kim, S.; Hoch, M.J.; Cooper, M.E.; Gore, A.; Weinberg, B.D. Using a Website to Teach a Structured Reporting System, the Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System. Curr. Probl. Diagn. Radiol. 202150, 356–361.
  • Almalki, Y.E.; Basha, M.A.A.; Metwally, M.I.; Zeed, N.A.; Nada, M.G.; Alduraibi, S.K.; Morsy, A.A.; Balata, R.; Al Attar, A.Z.; Amer, M.M.; et al. Validating Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) as a Diagnostic Tool for Glioma Follow-Up after Surgery. Biomedicines 202412, 887.
  • Kim, S.; Hoch, M.J.; Peng, L.; Somasundaram, A.; Chen, Z.; Weinberg, B.D. A Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System to Optimize Imaging Surveillance and Prognostication in High-Grade Gliomas. J. Neuroimaging Off. J. Am. Soc. Neuroimaging 202232, 1185–1192.
  • Abidi, S.A.; Hoch, M.J.; Hu, R.; Sadigh, G.; Voloschin, A.; Olson, J.J.; Shu, H.-K.G.; Neill, S.G.; Weinberg, B.D. Using Brain Tumor MRI Structured Reporting to Quantify the Impact of Imaging on Brain Tumor Boards. Tomography 20239, 859–870.
  • Parillo, M.; Mallio, C.A.; Pileri, M.; Dirawe, D.; Romano, A.; Bozzao, A.; Weinberg, B.; Quattrocchi, C.C. Interrater Reliability of Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) in the Follow up of Adult Primary Brain Tumors: A Single Institution Experience in Italy. Quant. Imaging Med. Surg. 202313, 7423–7431.
  • Essien, M.; Cooper, M.E.; Gore, A.; Min, T.L.; Risk, B.B.; Sadigh, G.; Hu, R.; Hoch, M.J.; Weinberg, B.D. Interrater Agreement of BT-RADS for Evaluation of Follow-Up MRI in Treated Primary Brain Tumor Patients. AJNR Am. J. Neuroradiol. 2024; Epub ahead of print.
  • Gore, A.; Hoch, M.J.; Shu, H.-K.G.; Olson, J.J.; Voloschin, A.D.; Weinberg, B.D. Institutional Implementation of a Structured Reporting System: Our Experience with the Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System. Acad. Radiol. 201926, 974–980.
  • Zhang, J.Y.; Weinberg, B.D.; Hu, R.; Saindane, A.; Mullins, M.; Allen, J.; Hoch, M.J. Quantitative Improvement in Brain Tumor MRI Through Structured Reporting (BT-RADS). Acad. Radiol. 202027, 780–784.
  • Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Wu, X.; Pan, Y.; Zhou, D.; Zhang, H.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, J.; Mo, Z.; Huang, B. Adding DSC PWI and DWI to BT-RADS Can Help Identify Postoperative Recurrence in Patients with High-Grade Gliomas. J. Neurooncol. 2020146, 363–371.
  • Metwally, M.I.; Hafez, F.F.M.; Ibrahim, S.A.; Morsy, A.A.; Zeed, N.A. The Value of Adding DWI and FLAIR Signal Changes in the Resection Cavity on the Diagnostic Performance of BT-RADS Category 3 for Tumor Progression Prediction in Post-Treated Glioma Patients: A Prospective Pilot Study. Egypt. J. Radiol. Nucl. Med. 202354, 52.