Poster Number:
Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
C. A. López López, D. Castanedo Vázquez, A. Guitián Pinilla, Á. Sánchez Mulas, P. Cifrian Casuso, E. Marín Díez, E. Julián Gómez, A. S. Gabín, S. Revuelta Gómez; Santander/ES
César Antonio López López:
Nothing to disclose
David Castanedo Vázquez:
Nothing to disclose
Angela Guitián Pinilla:
Nothing to disclose
Álvaro Sánchez Mulas:
Nothing to disclose
Pilar Cifrian Casuso:
Nothing to disclose
Elena Marín Díez:
Nothing to disclose
Elena Julián Gómez:
Nothing to disclose
Aranzazu Sánchez Gabín:
Nothing to disclose
Silvia Revuelta Gómez:
Nothing to disclose
Eyes, Trauma, Cone beam CT, CT, MR, Education, Cancer, Inflammation, Trauma
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