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Congress: ECR25
Poster Number: C-12569
Type: Poster: EPOS Radiologist (educational)
Authorblock: C. A. López López, D. Castanedo Vázquez, A. Guitián Pinilla, Á. Sánchez Mulas, P. Cifrian Casuso, E. Marín Díez, E. Julián Gómez, A. S. Gabín, S. Revuelta Gómez; Santander/ES
César Antonio López López: Nothing to disclose
David Castanedo Vázquez: Nothing to disclose
Angela Guitián Pinilla: Nothing to disclose
Álvaro Sánchez Mulas: Nothing to disclose
Pilar Cifrian Casuso: Nothing to disclose
Elena Marín Díez: Nothing to disclose
Elena Julián Gómez: Nothing to disclose
Aranzazu Sánchez Gabín: Nothing to disclose
Silvia Revuelta Gómez: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Eyes, Trauma, Cone beam CT, CT, MR, Education, Cancer, Inflammation, Trauma
Learning objectives To highlight the orbital pathology which can vary in aetiology and are sometimes incidental findings unrelated to clinical suspicion.To teach the characteristic findings of each orbital pathology in order to differentiate between them.
Read more Background In the last two years we have collected cases of orbital findings. Through them we will make a pictorial review of the different aetiologies and diagnoses.
Read more Findings and procedure details We can classify the orbital pathology as:1. Post-Traumatic pathology:1.1 Orbital wall fracturesThe orbit is delimited by four bony walls, the superior, medial, inferior and lateral, consisting of a total of eight bones. They are classified according to the involvement or not of the orbital rim, and in the absence of involvement, of the displacement of the bony fragments outwards or into the orbit (blow-out and blow-in respectively). [1] [fig 1] In these cases it is important to describe the type of fracture,...
Read more Conclusion There are many findings that can be found in the orbits that may go unnoticed. They are sometimes seen in studies aimed at evaluating intracranial structures, so we must be aware of their frequency and their main imaging features in order to recognise them correctly.
Read more References Gómez EJ, Mulki MJG, López MB, Olmedo MA, Criado AB, Poza JG. FRACTURAS FACIALES ¿POR DÓNDE EMPIEZO? Parameswaran A, Marimuthu M, Panwar S, Hammer B. Orbital Fractures. In: Bonanthaya K, Panneerselvam E, Manuel S, Kumar VV, Rai A, editors. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician [Internet]. Singapore: Springer Nature; 2021 [cited 2024 Dec 22]. p. 1201–50. Available from: Sung EK, Nadgir RN, Fujita A, Siegel C, Ghafouri RH, Traband A, et al. Injuries of the Globe: What Can the Radiologist...
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