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Congress: ECR24
Poster Number: C-14978
Type: EPOS Radiologist (scientific)
DOI: 10.26044/ecr2024/C-14978
Authorblock: K. Geißler1, N. Uchiyama2, R. Grimm3, T. Suzuki4, U. Fischer5, D. H. M. Szolar6, H. Meine1, H. Von Busch3, R. M. Murakami4; 1Bremen/DE, 2TOKYO/JP, 3Erlangen/DE, 4Tokyo/JP, 5Goettingen/DE, 6Graz/AT
Kai Geißler: Nothing to disclose
Nachiko Uchiyama: Nothing to disclose
Robert Grimm: Employee: Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Takashi Suzuki: Employee: Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Uwe Fischer: Nothing to disclose
Dieter H. M. Szolar: Nothing to disclose
Hans Meine: Nothing to disclose
Heinrich Von Busch: Employee: Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Ryusuke Medical Murakami: Nothing to disclose
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Breast, MR, Computer Applications-Detection, diagnosis, Segmentation, Cancer

Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer in women [1]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is increasingly used for the screening of breast cancer [2]. These examinations contribute to an increasing workload for radiologists. In this study we evaluate the performance of a deep learning-based research application (Figure 1) to detect lesions on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI which may help radiologists perform the task accurately and efficiently. 

Fig 1: The research application used in this study